Granuloma Annulare: How to Care for Your Child
People with granuloma annulare (gran-yuh-LOH-muh an-yuh-LAIR-ee) usually have one or more round skin patches. Granuloma annulare usually goes away on its own without treatment, but this can take up to 2 years. Treatments can help it go away faster. Here's how to care for your child.

How is granuloma annulare treated? Treatment may include:
steroid cream, lotion, or ointment
steroid medicine injected into the rash
phototherapy (light therapy)
laser therapy
What do the patches of granuloma annulare look like? The patches are round and often flatter in the middle with a raised outer border. They may be red, pink, skin-colored, or lighter than the surrounding skin. They usually don't cause symptoms, but they may itch.
What causes granuloma annulare? The cause of granuloma annulare is not known.
Can someone with granuloma annulare spread it to others? Granuloma annulare does not spread from person to person.